AiS promotes enrichment and fellowship by providing singing participation and education using vocal expression.
We're having a great visit (Palms ALC) with Ed, church choir, (88 years old, in rehab) to sing songs. Luckily Ed already has a copy of the music and was able to sing along with us. He exclaimed how much he really misses singing and enjoyed singing with us! We will be here weekly for Ed so he can join us at the music party. A great example of Alive in Song touching lives, bringing forth music and assisting the physically challenged!
Sharis and Sophia. Sharis practiced piano and singing at Alive In Song’s studio. She'll be the music leader while singing a solo song and playing piano. We can’t wait to view her upcoming performance.
Music Therapy is good for physical, emotional, social and neurological well-being. This is especially true if one is recovering from an injury to the brain, be it a blunt force trauma, car accident or stroke. Please see below:
Lifting Voices, Lifting Lives!
Sophia Marie
According to a recent study Music Therapy has the ability to heal pain, shortness of breath and more. Please see below:
Lifting Voices, Lifting Lives!
Sophia Marie
Music Therapy might be a misunderstood type of therapy. See this article to learn more...
Lifting Voices, Lifting Lives!
Sophia Marie
Our mission is improving lives with musical education, vocal expression and activities. Singing fellowship can change your life. AiS promotes enrichment and fellowship by providing participation and education using musical education, vocal expression and activities. Lifting Voices, Lifting Lives